End of Year Events Prove to be Fun and Rewarding

It has been a busy finale to the school year! Here is a recap of the week's activities:

On Monday students in grades 7 - 11 completed final exams, but not without receiving some divine assistance courtesy of Fr. Rene celebrating the final Mass of the school year. Fr. Rene even advised the students (based on the scripture readings for the day) that God was with them in their afflictions. We love his sense of humor!

Our annual Field Day tradition continued on Wednesday in spite of the weather, as students from all grade levels were divided into a team challenge. High school students served as team captains, helping younger students create a team name and corresponding cheer. There were several events, including the fan favorite "fireman's relay".

The entire school hiked Mt. Kearsarge on Thursday. Thankfully, the weather held off for the morning, allowing students, chaperones, and staff to make the trek up and down. We all ate lunch together at the top before descending down the mountain.

On Thursday evening we had our traditional awards ceremony for the end of the year. Mr. Thibault praised the recipients for demonstrating exceptional habits. Because of their efforts, the students will surely reap all the benefits of a qualitatively superior Catholic education.

Friday marks the last day of school. It is also the national observance of “Flag Day”. At morning assembly, the leaders in National Honor Society are sponsoring a program to honor our nation’s flag. We will also gather together for the distribution of the yearbooks, as well as a viewing of the end of year slideshow. We want to thank Mrs. Dwyer for all of her continued efforts and sacrifice for assembling the slideshow.

The kindergarten students will be graduating into 1st grade over in Mrs. Hearth’s classroom at 10:00am.

And finally, we will end the 2012 – 2013 school year with a brief prayer service. The prayer service will be an extension of our school observance of Flag Day, but also a moment to share what we are most thankful for.