Knights Theater: Announcing Oliver Twist

Question: What is bringing together over 50 students from eleven different grades, has taken two months of daily review to prepare, has received support/donations from more than 6 local businesses, and is helping us achieve our goal of accentuating beauty as a pathway to discover our transcendent purpose?

Answer: MRA Knight’s Theater’s OLIVER TWIST! 

Theater is the unique human exercise wherein the audience, cast, and crew together enter into another world, experience life from a new perspective, and work as a single organism to make something beautiful. Just like the Trinity who exists in the perpetual exchange of love and whose love is so overflowing that it issues forth all of creation, so too does the theatrical body need the interplay between actors, crew, and audience to manifest the fullness of its beauty. 

If this seems like too grandiose a reflection on a school play, please forgive me--but I believe it wholeheartedly! Throughout the entire rehearsal process for Oliver Twist, the cast and I have prayed that, in our attempt to put on the show, that we may Glorify God by making something beautiful. But the reality is that the energy in our theater which makes our efforts come to life can only be provided by YOU the audience; it is a truly symbiotic relationship! 

Please, COME AND ENJOY the fruit of over 50 students labor and help their efforts come to life! Join us on Saturday, November 13th AT 7:00 PM, or Sunday, November 14th AT 1:00 PM for our production of Oliver Twist!

St. Hildegard of Bingen, PRAY FOR US!