
Novena for Marriage and Family

Please consider joining this novena, prayed with thousands of people around the world.

This is surely a fitting end to the summer time, spent in leisure with family.It is also a good transition, and we can pray for the grace to enter the school year with a joyful spirit. Since family and education are essentially interwoven, it is my hope that by praying this novena as a school, we will become better missionaries of Christ!

You can subscribe online and receive automatic emails each day of the novena (so you never forget!): http://www.praymorenovenas.com/. There are even audio and video lin...

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Ice Cream Social and Open House

Please join us on September 1st from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm as we gather to celebrate the summer and eat lots of ice cream!

Just prior to the start of school each year, our community comes together to share the joys of summer and prepare for the new school year. Friends reconnect, families interact and the school faculty welcomes all into their classrooms.

This is a great opportunity for friends of MRA and others who might be considering the school to get an inside view our campus life.

Will you save the date and bring a friend? You will not be disappointed. After all, how can free ice cream let y...

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4th Quarter Academic Honors Abound

Mount Royal Academy has announced academic awards for the 4th Quarter of the 2015-2016 school year. 35 students earned a position on the Headmaster’s List with a 4.0 average for the 4th quarter.

More than 60% of the student body attained Honor Roll recognition; placing on the Headmaster’s List, the High Honors List (no more than one B), or the Honors List (no more than one C). In total, 125 students received Academic Honors.

Grade 1

Headmaster’s List: Emily Beturne, Nicholas Lavertue, Finn McColgan, Lindsey Smrkovski, Mary Walsh

High Honors: Lucy Fryckowska, Hope Goyette, Blake LaMothe


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Hope Crowns Monthly Virtues

Virtue formation remains a critical component of the mission of Mount Royal Academy. Powerful cultural forces run contrary to the Christian moral principles this school aims to uphold and teach. Children need a constant reminder that true happiness is acquired through the pursuit of virtue.

The school year begins with gratitude so that students can focus on the myriad blessings in life. Docility enables the receptivity so essential to learning. Each successive virtue adds another shade to the canvas, so that, a vibrant picture of the well-formed character emerges by the end of the year. As yea...

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Milestones and Memories Highlight Commencement Ceremony

The largest graduating class in Mount Royal Academy’s history enjoyed a memorable commencement ceremony last Saturday. The Saint Joseph’s Center was at full capacity as twenty-one eighth grade students joined ten seniors as they processed into the gym. There were several notable moments throughout the ceremony.

Andrew Mihaly, the junior high and high school history teacher, delivered the commencement address. As a former student turned teacher, Mr. Mihaly offered unique insights for the graduates. After recounting some candid and amusing moments during his own years as a student, he concluded ...

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Friendly Fun Rules the Day on the Field

Spirits were high and competition fierce as students from all grades participated in Mount Royal’s annual field day last week. Students fought hard to win a series of games such as, best cheer, pie eating, hoop and ball exchange, tug of war and more.

"One of the great things to witness at our field day is the collaboration that takes place between the older and younger children. Each team is made up of a selection of students from grade one through twelve. It’s beautiful to watch the natural friendship and mentoring that occurs spontaneously." said Matt McMenaman, teacher and admissions direct...

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A Commencement to Remember

Below are the prepared remarks of Headmaster Derek Tremblay and the keynote speaker, Andrew Mihaly.

Introductory Remarks (Derek Tremblay):

On behalf of the soon-to-be graduates, their parents, and the faculty of Mount Royal Academy, welcome to the 2016 commencement exercises.

At approximately 2:30 p.m. yesterday, I received a text message from one of our seniors. She asked, “How many students were there back in 2002?” And as I was looking through the archived registration, I came across some interesting names. Names to be noted include the following, some of whom are present here today: Dean M...

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Senior Seminar Presentations Focus on the Truths of the Great Books

Seniors completed their final year of high school with a fourth year English course that culminated in a ten-page essay on a topic they presented to the entire high school in brief speeches addressing the main themes and conclusions of their arguments.

They spent the year studying classical works like Homer’s Odyssey, Sophocles’ Oedipus the King and Antigone, Virgil’s Aeneid, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and Dante’s Purgatory. They then contrasted them with modern works like Montaigne’s Essays, Herman Melville’s Billy Budd, Sailor, and C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength.

Several students wrote essay...

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Student Violin Orchestra Performance Highlights Accomplishments

There were no arrows, to be sure, but thirty-two bows certainly were flying at Mount Royal Academy June 2nd. The inaugural violin class of thirty-two students showcased their new found skills before a packed Saint Joseph Center last Thursday night.  Led by the acclaimed Alicia Casey, the premier Suzuki violin teacher from the Upper Valley Music Center, students in grades one through six patiently stood before the crowd as Casey recapped the purpose and progress of the weekly lessons.  Grades one through three then began by performing several pieces that featured the foundational skills they ac...

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May Crowning Marks Mission Success

Even though our patron is St. Joseph, it is no secret that Mount Royal Academy has a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Each year begins with our pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of La Salette and all year the students gather weekly to pray the Rosary together. Thus, it is fitting that as the school year draws to a close, the entire school community gathers to take part in the annual May Crowning Mass.



This year’s May Crowning took place last Friday, May 27th in the St. Joseph’s Center. Students from Pre-K through twelfth grade took part in the liturgy presided over by Rever...

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