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Mount Royal Academy Open House - January 31, 2015 • 10-2


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Christmas Lottery Card Winners

12/24/2014 100 Garren Family
12/25/2014 500 Andrea Stocker
12/26/2014 25 Katie Lord
12/27/2014 25 Aram Kalpakgian
12/27/2014 25 Aram Kalpakgian
12/28/2014 25 Mary Barnes
12/29/2014 25 Meghan McCoy
12/30/2014 50 Lindsey Thompson
12/31/2014 100 Nathan Eliason
1/1/2015 500 Michael McLaughli...
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Happy New Year and Thank You!

As 2014 turns into 2015, we are especially mindful of how much our school community has grown in 20 years, and we are still growing! None of this was possible without the parents, faculty, staff, students, benefactors, and most importantly - the grace of God. We will be showing just a few of our archived photos from the early years. Photos can be viewed on the school Facebook page.

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3 Steps to a Joyful Christmas

In a recent homily at St. Joseph all'Aurelio Parish in Rome, Pope Francis provided three simple steps towards a joyful Christmas:

To have this joy in preparation for Christmas, first, pray: 'Lord, may I live this Christmas with true joy.' Not with the joy of consumerism which brings us to Dec. 24 full of anguish because 'ah, I’m lacking this, I’m lacking that …' No, this isn’t God’s joy. Pray.

Second: render thanks to the Lord for the good things he has given us.

Third, think how I can go to others, to those who have difficulties, problems – we think of the sick, of so many problems – to bring...

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The Advent Season

Advent is upon us! Advent can be a challenging time for families. The biggest challenge we all face in today's culture is the push to purchase the perfect gift. Moreover, Christmas is commercialized to such an extent that Advent is overshadowed by Christmas. Christmas is wonderful, but Advent is a season of preparation and waiting for the wonder of Christmas.
The awe of Christmas cannot be achieved unless we are willing to wait. As we wait for amazing gifts, the longing for the gift intensifies; such is the true purpose of Advent.

But the real question is, what are we waiting for? Are we w...

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Spirit Week 2014 ~ Photo Story


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Spirit Week 2014

This week marks the 4th annual Spirit Week at Mount Royal Academy. The participation by students and faculty thus far has been truly impressive. It is so wonderful to watch all of the students become enlivened and excited about their school.

For a recap and preview of the week's events, please see the schedule below.

The finale of Spirit Week is our annual observance of All Saints Day. All parents and community members are invited to attend the All Saints festivities.

  • Schedule:
    • Monday; Twin or Triplet Day
    • Tuesday; Mis-match Day
    • Wednesday; A Day in History
    • ...
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Saint John Paul II: Promoter of the Family

Today marks the feast day of a modern saint. Saint John Paul II was a staunch defender of the family. I know many of our own families grew up with John Paul II, and remain fond of his pastoral care.

He was deeply moved by the troubles of the modern heart. John Paul matured in a hostile environment (World War II; Cold War), but he never lost hope. If you could summarize his message it was this, "Do not be afraid". Observing and analyzing with boldness yet gentleness the difficulties facing the modern era, he stated that Christ "fully reveals man to himself". In short, we cannot understand who w...

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MRA to Pray for Future of LaSalette Shrine

October 8th, 2014

And now we're off! October customarily marks the beginning of recurring schedule irregularities. I thank you in advance for all of your sacrifice and patience. There is a lot of action at MRA right now, both within and beyond the classroom. However, I have always found that the opportunities we take to come together as a school community only increase the bonds between us. I just want to highlight a couple of events and reflections.

Last Friday all of the full time faculty members attended the annual diocesan Teacher Formation Day. No faculty member left feeling confused or d...

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MRA Celebrates 'School of Excellence' Recognition

On September 30th Mount Royal Academy was pleased to welcome Mr. Patrick Reily and Dr. Dan Guernsey of the Cardinal Newman Society to campus. Dr. Guersney, Director of the Catholic Honor Roll, presented MRA with the 'School of Excellence' recognition, a feat awarded to less than 5% of Catholic schools in America.

Below is a text of the introductory remarks offered by Mr. Derek Tremblay, Headmaster Elect of Mount Royal Academy.

Mr. Patrick Riley and Dr. Dan Guersney, on behalf of the families, faculty, students, as well as the Board of Directors, I welcome you to Mount Royal Academy.  We are h...

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